loading... here i talk about music
favorite artists: death grips, jane remover, jpegmafia, xiu xiu, black dresses, ecco2k,
the garden, glass beach, machine girl, ミドリ, radiohead, car seat headrest, weatherday, etc.
my, my, and my aoty


(22:10 26/02/2025)
oh yea i almost forgot .. new jane remover single is insane good... jrjrjr was the peakest too.. revengeseekerz i expect to be a 10/10 album

(21:33 26/02/2025)
holy since last post SHIT THAT WAS SUCH A LONG TIME AGO, anyways... veteran is fucking peak lp (offline lp, hazard duty pay is one of the peakest) is even peaker. thr ildmlfy directors cut as an album is eh the normal version works just so much better... but the songs theyre so good i love em... allah might be fav from him....

btw yea this is gonna be a long ass post with multiple chapters cause i dont feel like making into multiple posts... a lot happened

so at the start of the year i rlly got into xiu xiu, like actually peak af.. so ive noticed that they should be coming to hungary... i just had to go... finally.. an act that i care about.. and tbh not just care about.. i love xiu xiu.. i had to go.. so @ 2/17 i went up to budapest alone cause noone would come with me sadly.. tbh alone in the big city was more chill than i thought so i got dürer kert safely..... anyways nowwwww comes the showww.. the opener, kee avil. they were actually so fantastic i loved it.. great performance.... but now xiu xiu... the performance was GOD SO GOOD... i already wish for to see them again #sogreedy, i loved every second of the show.. at one point jamie shook ass then did a handstand lmao.. it was actually my first concert i went to... what a great first... i just hope some other i care for comes to hungary soon... tbhh i guess i like having my money sooo tbh concerts can wait.. also at the show i made friends with this yemeni girlie.. at one point she checked her phone and i saw that she had a car seat headrest bg.. had to befriend her.. she was cool af after the show we had the same tram so we chatted around a lot and she had insane good music taste.. peak human being actually.. havent talked her like at all since CAUSE SHE CANNOT SEEM TO CHECK HER INSTA INBOX... anyways shes peak.. xiu is peak it was awesome... also after we split i went to take the metro.. on the metro this guy was rlly staring me down... until he sat next to me and handed me 2x2 rubiks cube.. me being me i scrambled it for him.. he started to try solving it,,, but then suddenly he got his notebook and wrote something on a random page than ripped out the paper and handed it to me.. not much later he got off at his stop.. this whole interaction went with no words being exchanged.. what was on the note? ..... it was his websites domain when i got on train back to my area i checked his website... turns out he makes music.. it was alright, the music.. but cool asf interaction tbh.. loved it

one last thing i actually released 2 eps and 2 albums since attagirl.. Életfertőtlenítő. its like an ambient atmospheric ep, Every act feels exhausting and endless. is an ep with me just fucking around with an acoustic guitar literally.. cannot even play it, now comes the albums excprot.._d its like drone ambient noise stuff felt like throwing one together so i did its tbh a big downgrade from the previous album "attagirl" but as i said i just felt like making it, and finally the filth act 1: *dog* its my first experiments in a daw and im proud of it.

(19:30 11/12/2024)
got into jpegmafia. (scaring the hoes and i lay my life down for you to be exact, still yet to get into his other stuff, alsooo yea veteran not for me first 2 tracks are good but idk the rest doesnt get to my heart). his production is insaneeee. rn i want both albums on vinyl so badddd goddd im brokeee. (rn i have my phone connected to my speakers on full volume, getting sound poisened af <3 my head hurts but i fw, the sacrifice i have to do to rock out, #bestneighburevrrr).

(19:38 29/11/2024)
soooo 2 days ago i ended up getting björks vespertine on vinyl. prolly thisll be the shortest amount of time between me getting into an album and getting it on vinyl for a long time, like girl the post about me getting into vespertine was posted 10 days before i bought ittt. gosssssshhhhhhhhh its sooooo good thougghhhhhhhh.......

oh yeaaaaa i almost forgotttt i ended up releasing attagirl!!!!! blow them to shreads!!!!! recently, it was a really fucking fun noise tbh more on harsh noise project to work, succesful noise experiment imo.

(09:44 17/11/2024)
lately got into björks vespertine. its sooo peak, i love it. "its not up to you" and "pagan poetry" are my favs. planning to get into her other albums but for now im good with vespertine.

(18:37 10/11/2024)
oooooo also the kuru debut album rocks, i fw it heavy insane good production fav track of the album is prolly "if u cant change i wont change either"

(18:28 10/11/2024)
the fucking static charge on my yots record is insane the felt mat always gets stuck on it, because of this i looked up the price of a zerostat... im sooo broke why are they so fucking expensive jesus christ....

(22:33 26/10/2024)
oh yea.... not fucking dead air restocking on jane remover vinyl less than 12 hours after i spent all my money,,,, (on vinyl) .......i need me frailty on vinyl..... guhhhh moneyyyyy, no money and unfortunate timing,

(21:44 26/10/2024)
so yesterday i went to a record store irl it was so funnnnn, went to get year of the snitch by death grips, but also ended up buying igor by tyler. more on those in /blog/vinyl_collection/death_grips/year_of_the_snitch and /blog/vinyl_collection/tyler_the_creator/igor

(22:30 05/10/2024)
havent updated this in while, last month i got into ecco2k and bladee, aka i became kind of drainer, i still yet to listen to thaiboy digital, but im gonna be honest he doesnt seem all that intresting... i want e on vinyl badly, wont get it for a while though.
next vinyl that im planning to buy is uh actually im planning to buy it in person, insta ad came in handy showed me a record store in budapest that has year of the snitch (by death grips) in stock so planning to go up there this month. buying vinyl in person seems like such a vibe guhhhhhh. anywayyyys thats the update. rock out... more on drain out.. lmao

(20:52 20/08/2024)
kind of a repost from a convo:
i really fucking hope the like trend of sewerslvt esque names is gonna stop. like istg they might have really fucking good music but like their artist name is such a turn off. i just dont wanna click. wdym slvtdoll? so fucking corny!!!!! be more creative, come on.

picture that meant to be here is fucking gone, cant be bothered to fix it.

(02:26 17/08/2024)
i guess the black dresses deal was just a misunderstanding??? maybe i guess.. idk.... i just wanted to write here about it... i guess its all good then. ada rook is not a scummy thief i guess, just somehow horrible at math,,, im too stupid to actually decide if that even makes sence so ill just believe it, and continue to listen to black dresses like nothing happened.... baiii baiiiiii rock out giiiirrrrllllllsssss, or whatever you are!!!!!

(21:34 14/08/2024)
okayy whoever bootlegs forever in your heart, like vinyl record, REACH OUT, i neeeed that. pls pls pls pls

(21:00 12/08/2024)
wtf is wrong with some bitches, why the fuck would you be such a hoe, like you gotta have a big fucking idek to steal that amount of money from your fucking band mate, evil fucking bitch....
like i literally got into black dresses a couple of weeks ago but it was such a love, like their music is phenomenal, i love it.... for one the members to do such a thing against the other members is so fucking dissapointing, im praying for devi to get out on top of this somehow, that bitch ada can rot in hell,... the funny thing is that she didnt only steal the black dresses money,... but also the money that devis solo project made, its mind blowing, how can you such a CUNT that you do something like that,.. and you do something like that to your band mate,.. heinous bitch... like i was even listening to black dresses when the shit came out,... sowwy im a bwit angy but i hope you, whoever is reading this understand my rage. im baffled,... heres devis post about it btw im so dissapointed...bye

(12:09 09/08/2024)
holy fuck! another stomach book single is coming??? tomorrow?? what is happening? i can already tell that the next album is gonna be peak

(16:44 05/08/2024)
black dresses <3

(10:11 02/08/2024)
the new stomach book and jane remover singles are amazing.
hehe first post on this page hopefully with more to come, i love music